Fixed Pattern

High Flow - Low Nozzle Reaction - Fast Knockdown
Light Attack
Heavy Attack
90 - 200 GPM
95 GPM @ 50 PSI
200 GPM @ 100 PSI
175 - 425 GPM
250 GPM @ 50 PSI
425 GPM @ 100 PSI
Blitz Attack
250 - 500 GPM
325 GPM @ 50 PSI
500 GPM @ 100 PSI

The ports at the base of the barrel create an air aspirated stream that allows for exceptional foam quality
Typically nozzle flows of 350 GPM can only be achieved with 2 1/2" Nozzle and even then it can require significant manpower to handle the line.
The Vindicator Nozzle provides exceptional flow in comparison to traditional nozzles due to its unique design
The Vindicator provides both flow and low pressure that still provides mobility.
Similar to the smooth bore design, Vindicator nozzles are able to operate at 50 psi NP, providing excellent mobility without compromising flow

A recent independent evaluation highlights the performance of the Heavy Attack Vindicator utilizing a 20° elevation and the effective distance was measured where the stream footprint was delivered
Smooth Bore
Combination Nozzles
Vindicator Nozzles
Low Heat Absorption
No Foam Application
Breaks Apart when overpressurized
Low Mobility
High Nozzle Reaction
Low Flow
Kinking Hose
No Fog Pattern
High Flow
Low Nozzle Reaction
High Mobility
Penetrating Stream
Operate at 50 PSI
High Heat Absorption
Able to Over Pressurize
More effectvive against flammable liquids
How does it compare to Smooth Bore and
Combination Nozzles?
High Heat Absorption
High Flow
Low Nozzle Reaction
No Hose Kinking
Operate at 50 PSI